Membership - What the society does

Become a Member

If you have an interest in Astronomy, Cosmology, Astrophotography – or just an interest in the night sky – and want to meet like-minded people then please come along to one of our meetings.

You are about to join one of the largest societies, and probably the most active society in the North East. We support the whole of Tyne & Wear community and North East region with anything astronomical.

We cater for all levels of Astronomy interest and experience.
We are especially pleased to welcome newcomers into the fascinating study of the heavens, whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced observer.

And remember, you do not have to own astronomical telescope/equpment to become a smember.


Membership Season

Our membership season runs from the 1st September each year.

For membership renewals there is a  2 month grace period, but please renew  membership asap as funds go towards society rental costs.

Your membership also provides Public/Products Liability Insurance (PPLI) cover for members at our society events.


Membership Benefits

SAS Text Alert Service

  • Membership also enables you to join our text alert service, SAS SMS Text AleRService (STARS), and be kept up to date when society observing events are taking place at our observatory, dark sky sites and various astronomical events & visits throughout the season.



SAS Membership ID Card (Small)

  • You get an SAS Membership Card. Issued to for all new & current society members, with a membership card holder and lanyard (if required).
    • All members are encouraged to use/display their membership cards at our SAS meet ups, visits and events at the Wetlands centre and outside.



  • Access to SAS equipment.
  • Access/use of Cygnus Observatory.
  • Society membership includes membership to the Federation Astronomical Societies (FAS), (FAS Newsletter (3 per year) issued at SAS meetings), as well as other benefits.
  • Your membership also provides Public/Products Liability Insurance (PPLI) cover for members at our society events.

You are also helping to support the society with other costs(rent for observatory, access to main building, support materials, and in supporting the local community).

Annual Membership Costs are:

  • Single Membership (Adult) £15;
  • Family Membership ( 2 Adults, 3 Children) £25;
  • Concession Membership (Unemployed/Student/Junior/Senior) £10.

Remember, you do not have to own a telescope to become a member or attend any of our events!

Membership Forms

For new and renewing society members, please select and downaload the relevant PDF form:


So if you are interested in joining Sunderland Astronomical Society, don't be shy, go for it and  please download and fill in the approriate form above.

New Members

  • Complete our membership application form and hand it to a committee member at one of our regular monthly meetings or open nights.
  • Alternatively, send it to Sunderland Astronomical Society at the following address:

Mr. Michael Tweedy, Chairman
Sunderland Astronomical Society
c/o Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
Tyne & Wear, NE38 8LE