Sunderland Astronomical Society Astronomy and Astrophotography in the North East of England Tue, 16 Jan 2018 14:42:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 14th – 19th March: Kielder Forest Star Camp Tue, 16 Jan 2018 14:42:40 +0000


The Kielder Forest Star Camp runs from Wednesday 14th to Sunday 19th March 2018.

The Kielder Forest Star Camps are run twice a year, in the spring (usually in Feb/March) and in the autumn(usually in October).

Originally setup and organised by members of Sunderland Astronomical Society(SAS), and now organised by the Kielder Forest Camp Site.

All activities on the main day Saturday are free to attend.

For either the Spring or Autumn Star camps the costs are as follows:

  • £15 for a electric hook-up tent-pitch.
  • £12 for a non hook-up tent-pitch.
  • Prices are per tent-pitch per night.
  • There is a minimum 2 night stay and fees must be paid up front.

For more information on the Star Camp on where(directions, etc), when and how much and further information, see our Kielder forest Star Camp web page, and/or the Kielder Forest Star Camp Booking website.

All attendances and pitches for the Kielder Forest Star Camp require registration using the booking form on the Kielder Forest Star Camp Booking website.


  1. Due to high demand they  no longer have any hard standing or electric pitches available for the Spring Star Camp although we do have non-electric tent pitches.
  2. The Star Camp is located  in a mobile phone black-spot area. However, there is a site land-line (if required) located at the shower block.
  3. Strict red light rules apply at appropriate the times. So bring relevant red light torches.
  4. Laser pointers should not be used on site.
  5. There is a Red light warm room.
  6. Washing /shower and toilet facilities provided.

If you are interested, please email Lynn at and we can put you on the waiting list if any pitches become vacant.

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18th March Lecture: The Sun’s Active Atmosphere Sun, 07 Jan 2018 14:14:39 +0000
Coronal Mass Ejection NASA/org

The Sun may appear placid at first glance, but a closer look reveals an incredibly active atmosphere. Some of the most spectacular eruptions in our solar system occur there every day.

Some of these eruptions are relatively small, whilst others occur on a truly colossal scale.

In this talk, Dr Peter Wyper  and will explain a bit about these eruptions and show how researchers such as myself use numerical models to understand them better.

When Who Where

  • Date:  Sunday 18th March 2018,
  • Time: 7pm.
  • Speaker: Dr Peter Wyper FRAS.
  • Venue: Will take place at the Cygnus Observatory (WWC Discovery Room).

Our speaker

Our speaker is Dr Peter Wyper FRAS  a is a member of  Durham University's Magnetohydrodynamics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences (Applied & Computational Mathematics: Magnetohydrodynamics).


27th November – Sunderland Astronomical Society AGM Thu, 13 Oct 2016 14:09:19 +0000

The Sunderland Astronomical Society AGM will be taking place on Sunday 27th November 2016 from 7:00 pm.

SAS members are invited to attend, listen to chairpersons reports and vote in the election of the committee and nominations are asked from the SAS members.

At the AGM all committee members stand down and members are nominated elected/re-elected.

There are a possible 15 committee places, which includes the named officer posts for the chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer roles.

If members are interested in being a committee member  or being one of the nominated officers(above), they should send their nomination and the name of the member who is seconding them to the secretary/chairperson. Alternatively inform committee members at SAS meeting-ups.

Both the nominee and the seconder MUST be current members of SAS.

Nominations must reach me by close of day Monday 21st November to be accepted and can be made by either email to the, or alternatively

Any items for consideration under AOB should also be received by secretary/chairperson by 23rd November 2016.


26th January: Beamish Stargazing Event Sun, 24 Dec 2017 16:29:48 +0000

One of the North Easts largest Museums and largest Astronomical Societies have teamed up give the public a truly unique astronomical event, to Inspire, Educate and Inform the public on the amazing show going on above our heads.

Date: Friday 26th January 2018.

Times: from 6:30 pm - 9:30pm.

Price: £5 Ticket Entry (tickets can be booked and purchased via the Beamish website, Beamish Events Bookings).

Event size: 350, so get your tickets asap!

Join local astronomers from across the North East for a fun night of assorted astronomical treats at the several sites at Beamish.

SAS members: who are participating in this event, please contact the SAS chairman, whether you have telescope or would just like to help out/support the event in any way asap.

Event Site map and other related information for participants is shown below (without and with terrain).

We need as many SAS members astronomers & volunteers as possible with & without telescopes to support these events.

High Resolution PDF of the event poster available to download.

Site Map (Without Terrain)

High Definition PDF of the Site Map (without Terrain).

Site Map (With Terrain)

High Definition PDF of the Site Map (with Terrain).

Powerful telescopes will be available to view:


  • Waxing Gibbous Moon in glorious detail.
  • Uranus, seventh planet outward from the sun.
  • Globular cluster, double cluster M31.
  • Amazing stellar nursery, the Orion Nebula (M42).
  • Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
  • Gorgeous open star clusters such as “The Seven Sisters” .
  • Plus many other wonders of the night sky.
  • Ticket Entry: £5 (booking via Beamish website, see what's on webpages
  • Contributions to Society fundraising nonetheless welcomed.

Information & Activities:


  • Suitable for all ages and abilities.
  • 30+ telescopes of all shapes and sizes.
    • Look to the  heavens  through our huge 18.5" Dobsonian telescope, designed & built by SAS
    • Two very large 16" Dobsonian telescopes.
    • Plus many more society members telescopes of all shapes and sizes. 
  • Lots to see and do.
  • Three designated sites for talks and observing, plus a mobile planetarium.
  • Accessible telescopes and transport available.
  • Interactive presentations & demonstrations with Q&A.
  • Expertise & advice from local astronomers.
  • Mobile Planetarium (places booked for extra £1.first come first served).
  • Videos and Demonstrations.
  • Live View Telescope connected to large TV for group views.
  • Complimentary Stargazing friendly torches supplied upon entry at reception.
  • Refreshments available to buy.
  • Bring suitable clothing & footwear for the weather.
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RAS200: Outreach and Engagement Fund of £1,000,000 Sun, 13 Nov 2016 15:59:29 +0000
SAS Events

In 2020 the Royal Astronomical Society will be 200 years old.

To celebrate our bicentennial, the Society is establishing an Outreach and Engagement Fund of £1,000,000 to support astronomy and geophysics projects that create a real buzz about science – understanding, discussion and dialogue – in diverse sections of the community.

RAS are asking if you're involved with a local or national organisation that might be able to help, we'd like to hear from you, particularly if you can add to the RAS fund, so that we can make a greater and more lasting impact.

So how about SAS? You interested in contributing? Contact:

We were  old that fund is not available for capital expenditure for telescopes and observatories, although there may be some exceptions.

Some of our committee attended one of the Town hall meetings in October 2016.

Deadline date for phase-1 proposal is 9th December 2016 (proposal on 1 page of A4). Could be some funding available for SAS and some very good networking connections to be made.

Here is a few examples of past 2015 winning projects proposals to give you an idea of the scope, link to PDF here.

As we all know Stargazing works as a hook to develop an interest in science, for pleasure or to boost people’s opportunities in life. The Prince’s Trust hopes that the disadvantaged young people it supports will gain confidence and skills in life.

By combining RAS expertise – in the form of RAS Fellows active in the projects as well as partnerships with astronomy and geophysics organizations/societies – with specialist knowledge and expertise about the people we want to reach, the RAS 200 projects are set to bring astronomy and geophysics to new audiences.



Theme of Project(s)

Some of our committee attended one of the Town hall meetings in October 2016 which resulted brainstorming sessions on possible projects.

Our SAS committee members attending (you know who you are) had the idea of re-using David's Ettie's excellent talk title "Astronomy is for Everyone" or "Astronomy for All" as a initial theme of Astronomy within the the North & North East (N.E.) region from past, present and Future.

Using this theme as a springboard to launch ideas for possible projects/collaborations/outreach and put N.E. on the map w.r.t. astronomy.

It was thought it could fit nicely with RAS 200 in 2020 for funding projects and we used this as a launching point for ideas.

As you know there are numerous organisations/societies/industries and people of the N.E.(past/present/future) that have contributed/are contributing greatly to astronomy.



Possible Project(s) or Ideas

From the brainstorming session on possible RAS 200 fund proposals we had some good ideas exploiting N.E. links and a possibility of  building stuff/other projects.

  • Past:
    • Grubb-Parsons mirrors housed in and the Discovery Museum, related to science & arts projects, and outreach projects/observing/science exercises/projects with local N.E Schools. SAS / Cygnus observatory and other related organisations, businesses.
      • Contact and investigate what the Discovery Museum actually has from Grubb- Parsons and are the willing to participate/be involved.
      • Build something related involving SAS, local N.E. organisations/businesses/societies.
    • Explore past atromers George W.  Backhouse (RAS member and amateur astronomer) and other N.E. Astronomers and link into outreach projects.
    • GB  - links with the initial space race, Blue-Streak testing site  RAF Spadeadam in Northumberland.
    • Other stuff TBD/TBC.
  • Present
    • Various outreach projects.
    • Projects involving SAS other AS and Cygnus observatory (TBD/TBC).
    • Outreach projects with Schools, Colleges & Universities and general public.
    • Outreach projects with disabilities. Explore and/or enhance capabilities of the all access mount at Cygnus observatory.
    • Other arts/science related projects.
    • Other stuff TBD/TBC.
  • Future
    • Possible outreach projects with Schools, Colleges & Universities and general public.
    • Other stuff involving SAS.
    • James Webb Telescope. JWT instrumentation built at  Durham Uni, contact relevant professional astronomers and  other related experts?
      • Outreach astro-related projects (possible funding from James Webb outreach programmes)?
    • Other Projects TBD/TBC.
From initial feedback from RAS sounded as though they were very interested in our groups brainstorm proposal.
Although, this was just a brainstorming session and requires further meetups to put meat on the bones of these ideas and formulate possible ways forward for interested people.
It was stated at the brief that funding is  not for capital expenditure for e.g. kit or observatory builds, etc. however, there could be funds available for outreach.  However, there may be some leeway.
Deadline date for phase-1 proposal is 9th December 2016 (proposal on 1 page of A4). Could be some funding available for SAS and some very good networking connections to be made.


What's Happening Next

We are currently awaiting collating from our brainstorming sessions, of which SAS had a major input and helped to steer.  But until then, we thought it best to be proactive & get something out to SAS and the committee, other interested people for comments and other ideas, etc.
So there is the possibility that SAS could get some funding out of this for outreach projects and quite a few networking connections.
If this wets your appetite/raises your interest, contact: or  raise at the next committee/fundraising meetings?
Worth further discussions and possible ideas for fundraising projects?
Saturday Morning Physics – Talk Series: Autumn 2016 – Dates in October, November, December Wed, 14 Sep 2016 23:23:35 +0000

Saturday Morning Physics is Back for 2016

Running on selected Saturday's during October, November and December from 10:30am - 12:30pm.

The Durham University's physics department is running a new outreach activity called "Saturday Morning Physics" on six Saturdays in October,  November and December, starting at 10:30.

Aimed at school pupils, high school students and all adults interested in Modern Physics and other natural sciences.
Some of the Physics department's world class scientists will talk on their fascinating research topics including astrophysics, cosmology, materials science, lasers, quantum mechanics and particle physics.
The talks will take place in the Physics Department at Durham University, on eight Saturday mornings during October, November and December 2016.

Dates, Speakers & Talks:

  1. 1st October - Prof Nigel Glover: The Particle Smashers.
  2. 8th October - Prof Paula Chadwick: Messengers from Deep Space.
  3. 15th October - Prof Richard Bower: The Big Bang Show
  4. 12th November - Prof Del Atkinson: Magnets in the Cloud
  5. 19th November - Prof Gordon Love: Light - what the Eye cannot see
  6. 26th November - Prof Ifan Hughes: How can we build a quantum computer?
  7. 3rd December - Dr Pete Edwards: Einstein, Einstein, give us a wave!
  8. 10th December - Prof Damian Hampshire: Building a Star on Planet Earth.

For the more details of talks & speakers, click here.

For High resolution PDFs of the events poster, talks/speakers & site-map details.


  • Talks start from 10:30am until 12:30pm


  • All talks take place in the James Duff lecture theatre (PH8) in the Physics Department of Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE.
  • Limited parking facilities Venues start at 10:30 and last for 2 hours.


  • Refreshments will be provided during a coffee break.
  • Various hands-on sessions will supplement the talks, including: Robots !!! Ask your Astronaut Fun with Magnets
Membership Subscription Renewals for 2017-2018 Sun, 27 Aug 2017 15:02:59 +0000

September is the start of our new season. SAS Memberships will be due from 1st September 2017 (payable throughout September) for this season 2017/2018.

Joining/Renewing helps support your local astronomical society & community.

So come on down to the Cygnus Observatory join or renew your SAS membership.

The SAS the largest & probably most active astronomical society's in the North East, for advice, information, observing the night sky, and get together at various meet-ups, events, visits and join in the 'Craic' on all things astronomical.

The SAS Membership season runs from the 1st September each year within September for membership renewals, and your membership also provides Public/Products Liability Insurance (PPLI) cover for members at our society events.

So now is an ideal time to renew your membership.

Using the SAS membership forms on the membership webpage.

Alternately, use our online membership system (which utilises PayPal) which will be coming online in near future. Keep an eye on the Membership and/or Society News webpages.

Membership Benefits

SAS Text Alert Service
  • Membership also enables you to join our text alert service, SAS SMS Text AleRService (STARS), and be kept up to date/informed when the SAS needs to:
    • Issue Membership information and notices.
    • Provide information on observing events are taking place at our observatory.
    • Provide information on Observing events at our dark sky sites.
    • Provide information on other various astronomical events & visits that SAS are involved throughout the season.
SAS Membership ID Card (Small)
  • SAS Membership ID Cards are issued to for all new & current society members annually, with a membership card holder and lanyard (if required).
  • All members are encouraged to use/display their membership ID cards at all our SAS meet-ups, visits and events at the Wetlands centre and outside.
Cygnus Observatory2
  • Access to SAS equipment.
  • Access/use of Cygnus Observatory.
  • Society membership includes membership to the Federation Astronomical Societies (FAS), (FAS Newsletter (3 per year) issued at SAS meetings), as well as other benefits.
  • Your membership also provides Public/Products Liability Insurance (PPLI) cover for members at our society events.

You are also helping to support the society with other costs(rent for observatory, access to main building, support materials, and in supporting the local community).

Annual Membership Costs are:

  • Single Membership (Adult) £20;
  • Family Membership ( 2 Adults, 3 Children) £30;
  • Concession Membership (Unemployed/Student/Junior/Senior) £15.

Remember, you do not have to own a telescope to become a member or attend any of our events!


Use the SAS membership forms on the membership webpage.

Alternately, use our online membership system (which utilises PayPal) which will be coming online in near future. Keep an eye on our Membership page.

29th December: Christmas Benker Night Thu, 07 Dec 2017 17:19:26 +0000
Xmas Benker Night

Sunderland Astro Xmas Benker night.

Traditionally between Christmas and New Year has been our night (if you attend we will enlighten you on what the Benker Night means?, nothing wrong with an incentive to try to get people to come along.

Friday 29th December at the Washington Wetlands Centre, from 7.00pm.

Bring your own drinks (car sharing encouraged) and anything you want for a small buffet. We will provide some food, but anything you can bring would be deeply appreciated.

Christmas jumpers optional!

The heating will be left on for the eveining

You can bring your astro related presents to show off if you like.

For any further updates, see related SAS Facebook post coming soon.

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New Season Membership Subscription Renewals for 2015-2016 Mon, 01 Sep 2014 00:01:40 +0000 September is the start of our new season. SAS Memberships will be due from 1st September for this season 2015/2016. Joining/Renewing helps support your local astronomical society & community.

So come on down to Cygnus Observatory renew your SAS membership. One of the largest & most active astronomcal society's in the North East, for advice, information, join in the craic on all things astronomical.

The SAS Membership season runs from the 1st September each year with 3 month grace period for membership renewals, and your membership also provides Public/Products Liability Insurance (PPLI) cover for members at our society events.

So now is an ideal time to renew your membership.

Membership Benefits

SAS Text Alert Service

  • Membership also enables you to join our text alert service, SAS SMS Text AleRt Service (STARS), and be kept up to date when society observing events are taking place at our observatory, dark sky sites and various astronomical events & visits throughout the season.



SAS Membership ID Card (Small)

  • You get an SAS Membership Card. Issued to for all new & current society members, with a membership card holder and lanyard (if required).
  • All members are encouraged to use/display their membership cards at our SAS meet ups, visits and events at the Wetlands centre and outside.



  • ObservatoryAccess to SAS equipment.
  • Access/use of Cygnus Observatory.
  • You are helping to support the society (ground rent, other costs, etc).



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Sunderland Astronomical Society AGM – 29th November 2015 Tue, 10 Nov 2015 00:14:49 +0000
SAS AGM 2015

The Sunderland Astronomical Society AGM will be taking place on Sunday 29th November 2015 from 7:00 pm.

SAS members are invited to attend, listen to chairpersons reports and vote in the election of the committee and nominations are asked from the SAS members.

At the AGM all committee members stand down and members are nominated elected/re-elected.

There are a possible 15 committee places, which includes the named officer posts for the chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer roles.

If members are interested in being a committee member  or being one of the nominated officers(above), they should send their nomination and the name of the member who is seconding them to the secretary/chairperson. Alternatively inform committee members at SAS meeting-ups.

Both the nominee and the seconder MUST be current members of SAS.

Nominations must reach me by close of day Sunday 22nd November to be accepted and can be made by either email to the, or alternatively

Any items for consideration under AOB should also be received by secretary/chairperson by 22nd November 2015.

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