Cygnus Observatory Dome Fundraising Appeal

Help us replace your ageing & leaking observatory dome.


The Cygnus Observatory was built by Sunderland Astronomical Society (SAS) members in 1993.

It remains the only public observatory in Tyne & Wear and is open to the public every Thursday evening free of any charge

Like any society the Sunderland Astronomical Society brings a lot of enjoyment to its members, but in turn those members have excelled at bringing enjoyment and knowledge to their community.

Schools, Scouts and numerous local authority functions have benefited from the enthusiasm and experience of our members, along with a huge array of astronomical equipment which is entirely funded by the society.

The society has set itself the goal of raising £15,000 of addition funds to allow its activities to be expanded to the benefit of both its members and the public at large.

The programmed improvements include a fully automated observatory dome plus additional telescope accessories which will provide easier operation and the ability to control the observatory remotely, providing images of the night sky on screen within the Wetlands facility.

The observatory already supports extensive outreach programmes, numerous external organisations and benefits thousands of people in the North East every year..

A huge number of those living in the north-east have no access to a telescope and the night sky.

The development program will enable the society to support more people who foster an interest in the night sky, the science of astronomy and the great show that goes on above us every clear night.

Please help us raise the funds to take this program forward.

We are registered charity and non-profit society, so all funds go directly to the observatory.

Donate Now

Donating online is easy, secure and ensures that all of your money is used on the observatory dome.

There are a multiple ways to donate.

We Need Your Support

#a61717 Raised £2,300 towards the £15,000 target.
So far we have raised £2,300 towards our £15,000 target!
Thank you for your support !

Big things from small beginnings

Why not be a part of something astronomical.

Join our cause and directly support our society in promoting Astronomy and Astronomy outreach in your community.SASlogo_transparent_bgrnd(120x179)

It’s not just a donation

It’s an investment in your community by utilising  a state of the art observatory it can change people futures.

When you donate online to Sunderland Astronomical Society, you join our cause and directly support promoting Astronomy and Astronomy outreach in your community.Read More »

Donating pays dividends

Experience shows that your local astronomical society can make a big difference. People can gain real benefit in their personal and academic lives.

All the evidence confirms the widespread interest in astronomy, the interest seen in the BBC Stargazing Live shows and our own local events clearly shows this.  One example of this was our “Jupiter Nights” event in January 2015 which attracted over 1400 members of the public.

Planetariums and observatories are popular visitor attractions throughout the UK.

The Cygnus observatory is a FREE to the public, has good on-site facilities, good transport accessibility and is home to one of the largest (if not the largest) and most active astronomical societies.

This offers a wide range of experience and expertise, delivered with the enthusiasm to inspire, inform and educate people to the wonders available in the sky above their heads.Read More »

Your support goes far

Your financial support helps us provide our badly needed observatory dome and services nationally in your local community - so we can inspire, inform and develop more people's with a lifelong interest in astronomy.Read more »

NASA Accredited Public Outreach

The society is noted for its energy, particularly in its participation in and hosting of “Outreach” activities, and we have been consistently recognised and accredited by NASA public outreach programs.

We work closely with numerous local bodies, Schools, Scouts and Guides, local authorities, businesses, etc.

In addition the society stages its own, highly successful, outreach events at the Cygnus Observatory & Washington Wildfowl & Wetlands site.Read More »

Astronomize yourself

We cater for all levels of Astronomy interest and experience.

We especially pleased to welcome newcomers into the fascinating study of the heavens.

Alongside the provision of regular astronomical talks, we offer practical observing sessions, projects & workshops in schools and other venues including our observatory at the Washington Wetlands Centre. Read More »

Fun and friendship

The society offers a friendly and sociable place in which to develop an interest in Astronomy.

Advice is available at all levels from basic to advanced, including practical guidance in the use and development of equipment.

A regular lecture program and hands-on tutorials adds to the recipient’s knowledge and expertise, being aided by contributions from many leading authorities in the field. Read More »

We also need your help fundraising other outreach items

SAS is growing rapidly and so is its outreach capabilities.

You can directly support our society in promoting astronomy outreach & public engagement in your community.

Laptops x2

Required for the better astronomy engagement & outreach (Cost: £2,000).

1 Discovery Room & public outreach & 1 for control system in observatory.

HD Projector

For greater astronomy talks, tutorials, engagement & outreach.

Current projector has broken down and too expensive to repair (Cost: £350).

PA & Mic System

It's working.

Our audiences are getting much larger, and our talks need to be herd, (Cost: £250).

Remote Operation

1. Provide an interactive & engaging experience between Observatory and from Discovery room at the Wetlands Centre.
2. Provide remote operation capability via the Wetlands centre Discovery room and/or via the Internet.

Donate to other Fundraisers

One of the society's aspirations is enable remote operation at the Cygnus Observatory

Remote operation via the (for e.g. Wetlands Centre, Internet).

Interactive astronomy outreach.

Interactive Astronomy Outreach

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