In 2020 the Royal Astronomical Society will be 200 years old.
To celebrate our bicentennial, the Society is establishing an Outreach and Engagement Fund of £1,000,000 to support astronomy and geophysics projects that create a real buzz about science – understanding, discussion and dialogue – in diverse sections of the community.
RAS are asking if you're involved with a local or national organisation that might be able to help, we'd like to hear from you, particularly if you can add to the RAS fund, so that we can make a greater and more lasting impact.
So how about SAS? You interested in contributing? Contact: chairman@sunderlandastro.com.
We were old that fund is not available for capital expenditure for telescopes and observatories, although there may be some exceptions.
Some of our committee attended one of the Town hall meetings in October 2016.
Deadline date for phase-1 proposal is 9th December 2016 (proposal on 1 page of A4). Could be some funding available for SAS and some very good networking connections to be made.
As we all know Stargazing works as a hook to develop an interest in science, for pleasure or to boost people’s opportunities in life. The Prince’s Trust hopes that the disadvantaged young people it supports will gain confidence and skills in life.
By combining RAS expertise – in the form of RAS Fellows active in the projects as well as partnerships with astronomy and geophysics organizations/societies – with specialist knowledge and expertise about the people we want to reach, the RAS 200 projects are set to bring astronomy and geophysics to new audiences.
Theme of Project(s)
Our SAS committee members attending (you know who you are) had the idea of re-using David's Ettie's excellent talk title "Astronomy is for Everyone" or "Astronomy for All" as a initial theme of Astronomy within the the North & North East (N.E.) region from past, present and Future.
Using this theme as a springboard to launch ideas for possible projects/collaborations/outreach and put N.E. on the map w.r.t. astronomy.
It was thought it could fit nicely with RAS 200 in 2020 for funding projects and we used this as a launching point for ideas.
As you know there are numerous organisations/societies/industries and people of the N.E.(past/present/future) that have contributed/are contributing greatly to astronomy.
Possible Project(s) or Ideas
From the brainstorming session on possible RAS 200 fund proposals we had some good ideas exploiting N.E. links and a possibility of building stuff/other projects.
- Past:
- Grubb-Parsons mirrors housed in and the Discovery Museum, related to science & arts projects, and outreach projects/observing/science exercises/projects with local N.E Schools. SAS / Cygnus observatory and other related organisations, businesses.
- Contact and investigate what the Discovery Museum actually has from Grubb- Parsons and are the willing to participate/be involved.
- Build something related involving SAS, local N.E. organisations/businesses/socie
- Explore past atromers George W. Backhouse (RAS member and amateur astronomer) and other N.E. Astronomers and link into outreach projects.
- GB - links with the initial space race, Blue-Streak testing site RAF Spadeadam in Northumberland.
- Other stuff TBD/TBC.
- Grubb-Parsons mirrors housed in and the Discovery Museum, related to science & arts projects, and outreach projects/observing/science exercises/projects with local N.E Schools. SAS / Cygnus observatory and other related organisations, businesses.
- Present
- Various outreach projects.
- Projects involving SAS other AS and Cygnus observatory (TBD/TBC).
- Outreach projects with Schools, Colleges & Universities and general public.
- Outreach projects with disabilities. Explore and/or enhance capabilities of the all access mount at Cygnus observatory.
- Other arts/science related projects.
- Other stuff TBD/TBC.
- Future
- Possible outreach projects with Schools, Colleges & Universities and general public.
- Other stuff involving SAS.
- James Webb Telescope. JWT instrumentation built at Durham Uni, contact relevant professional astronomers and other related experts?
- Outreach astro-related projects (possible funding from James Webb outreach programmes)?
- Other Projects TBD/TBC.