Saturday Morning Physics is Back for 2016
Running on selected Saturday's during October, November and December from 10:30am - 12:30pm.
The Durham University's physics department is running a new outreach activity called "Saturday Morning Physics" on six Saturdays in October, November and December, starting at 10:30.
Aimed at school pupils, high school students and all adults interested in Modern Physics and other natural sciences.
Some of the Physics department's world class scientists will talk on their fascinating research topics including astrophysics, cosmology, materials science, lasers, quantum mechanics and particle physics.
The talks will take place in the Physics Department at Durham University, on eight Saturday mornings during October, November and December 2016.
Dates, Speakers & Talks:
- 1st October - Prof Nigel Glover: The Particle Smashers.
- 8th October - Prof Paula Chadwick: Messengers from Deep Space.
- 15th October - Prof Richard Bower: The Big Bang Show
- 12th November - Prof Del Atkinson: Magnets in the Cloud
- 19th November - Prof Gordon Love: Light - what the Eye cannot see
- 26th November - Prof Ifan Hughes: How can we build a quantum computer?
- 3rd December - Dr Pete Edwards: Einstein, Einstein, give us a wave!
- 10th December - Prof Damian Hampshire: Building a Star on Planet Earth.
For the more details of talks & speakers, click here.
For High resolution PDFs of the events poster, talks/speakers & site-map details.
- Talks start from 10:30am until 12:30pm
- All talks take place in the James Duff lecture theatre (PH8) in the Physics Department of Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE.
- Limited parking facilities Venues start at 10:30 and last for 2 hours.
- Refreshments will be provided during a coffee break.
- Various hands-on sessions will supplement the talks, including: Robots !!! Ask your Astronaut Fun with Magnets