The Sunderland Astronomical Society AGM will be taking place on Sunday 29th November 2015 from 7:00 pm.
SAS members are invited to attend, listen to chairpersons reports and vote in the election of the committee and nominations are asked from the SAS members.
At the AGM all committee members stand down and members are nominated elected/re-elected.
There are a possible 15 committee places, which includes the named officer posts for the chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer roles.
If members are interested in being a committee member or being one of the nominated officers(above), they should send their nomination and the name of the member who is seconding them to the secretary/chairperson. Alternatively inform committee members at SAS meeting-ups.
Both the nominee and the seconder MUST be current members of SAS.
Nominations must reach me by close of day Sunday 22nd November to be accepted and can be made by either email to the secretary@sunderlandastro.com, or alternatively chairman@sunderlandastro.com
Any items for consideration under AOB should also be received by secretary/chairperson by 22nd November 2015.