9th February: Stargazing Event (Northumberland Park)

Back by popular demand, Sunderland Astronomical Society are will visiting Northumberland Park). Date: Friday 9th February 2018. Time: from 7:00 pm. Entry: Free (Contributions to SAS fundraising nonetheless welcomed). SAS have been asked by the Northumberland Park (the park in North Shields) to hold a Stargazing event on Friday 17th February from 7.00pm till late.


18th February Lecture: Exoplanets – Worlds Around Other Stars

“Exoplanets” or “extrasolar” planets are worlds that orbit stars outside the Solar System. There are myriad types ranging from the so-called “Hot-Jupiters” to Earth and Super Earth sized planets. This talk aims to give a brief introduction to exoplanetary science, an exciting field at the cutting-edge of astronomy; describing how we find these worlds and…


Kielder Camp Site

14th – 19th March: Kielder Forest Star Camp

The Kielder Forest Star Camp runs from Wednesday 14th to Sunday 19th March 2018. The Kielder Forest Star Camps are run twice a year, in the spring (usually in Feb/March) and in the autumn(usually in October). Originally setup and organised by members of Sunderland Astronomical Society(SAS), and now organised by the Kielder Forest Camp Site. All activities…


20th November Lecture: Active galaxies and Super Massive black holes.

Dr David Rosario Research Associate Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy Durham University  will be giving a talk on “Active galaxies and Super massive black holes.” on Sunday  20th November 2016 from 7 pm in the Discovery room of Washington Wetlands Centre . Super massive black holes have moved firmly on to the main stage in the story of the Cosmos.…


Coronal Mass Ejection NASA/org

18th March Lecture: The Sun’s Active Atmosphere

The Sun may appear placid at first glance, but a closer look reveals an incredibly active atmosphere. Some of the most spectacular eruptions in our solar system occur there every day. Some of these eruptions are relatively small, whilst others occur on a truly colossal scale. In this talk, Dr Peter Wyper  and will explain…


27th November – Sunderland Astronomical Society AGM

The Sunderland Astronomical Society AGM will be taking place on Sunday 27th November 2016 from 7:00 pm. SAS members are invited to attend, listen to chairpersons reports and vote in the election of the committee and nominations are asked from the SAS members. At the AGM all committee members stand down and members are nominated elected/re-elected. There…


26th January: Beamish Stargazing Event

One of the North Easts largest Museums and largest Astronomical Societies have teamed up give the public a truly unique astronomical event, to Inspire, Educate and Inform the public on the amazing show going on above our heads. Date: Friday 26th January 2018. Times: from 6:30 pm – 9:30pm. Price: £5 Ticket Entry (tickets can be booked and purchased via the…


RAS200: Outreach and Engagement Fund of £1,000,000

In 2020 the Royal Astronomical Society will be 200 years old. To celebrate our bicentennial, the Society is establishing an Outreach and Engagement Fund of £1,000,000 to support astronomy and geophysics projects that create a real buzz about science – understanding, discussion and dialogue – in diverse sections of the community. RAS are asking if…


Membership Subscription Renewals for 2017-2018

September is the start of our new season. SAS Memberships will be due from 1st September 2017 (payable throughout September) for this season 2017/2018. Joining/Renewing helps support your local astronomical society & community. So come on down to the Cygnus Observatory join or renew your SAS membership. The SAS the largest & probably most active astronomical…


4th December: GEEKDOM 2016 at Nissan Sports & Leisure Complex

Sunderland Astronomical Society (SAS) have been invited to participate in GEEKDOM 2016 on 4th December 2016 at the Nissan Sports & Leisure Complex. A comic-con style event, but not as you know it, promoting total escapism and wonderment across a multitude of genres. With interactive workshops, displays, exhibits, performances and market style area, there nothing…
